We take a holistic view and create distinctive, value-added solutions to help you navigate changing market environments and uncover new opportunities to build and preserve wealth.

Financial Services

The importance of money can hardly be over-emphasized. Just like each phase of life demands a different version of you, your money should also evolve and match up to your financial needs at every step. While most literature about investing is easily available, it is highly under-utilized due to lack of discipline and oversight. We understand the common issues that investors face, and the behavioral biases which influence them. Therefore, we ensure that investors are made aware of such fallacies before making any investment decisions.
At FinFix®, we take a top-down approach and follow the principle of asset allocation to build a robust portfolio that can withstand different market cycles. Based on asset allocation, we work towards identifying the best-in-class investment products across asset classes (equity, fixed income, gold) that are aptly compatible with your risk tolerance and financial goals. The right asset allocation is a steppingstone to a successful investment strategy. We use this approach to make well-informed, effective decisions to create wealth.

Goal Planning

  • Cash Flows

    Cash Flows

    A crucial aspect of one’s financial journey is to be able to tide over a period of financial crisis or a monetarily challenging situation with relative ease. Such preparedness requires a proper cash flow strategy for every individual.

  • Investment Strategy

    Investment Strategy

    Every individual is different, and thus a fitting investment strategy must reflect and leverage on these differences. We believe in personalized investment solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of an individual.

  • Retirement


    Our household and lifestyle expenses are an incessant, quintessential aspect of life. During the working years, you are actively earning a monthly salary to meet your expenses, but post-retirement, you need a pre-planned financial corpus to live comfortably.

  • Risk Mitigation

    Risk Mitigation

    Risk management is a crucial, yet overlooked, aspect of personal finance. It is important to understand and measure the sources of risk and take steps to manage and minimize them, using quantitative and qualitative factors in the assessment process.

  • Taxes


    While taxes are a certainty, there are some legitimate ways to reduce the incidence and burden. The right guidance can maximize post-tax gains from investments as well as plug leaks due to overlooked deductions from the taxable income.